Nationale Kunstdagen 2016

12 – 13 November , 2016

AHOY, Rotterdam

Organised by: Nationale Kunstdagen

Last years Nationale Kunstdagen (edition 2015) was a success in terms of contacts laid, connections made and certainly a little bit in selling too. Obviously, you’ll find me at the edition of 2016.

Meanwhile, I’ve started a new education at a ceramics academy, taking up a lot of my time (but being hugely fun too), which means I’ve not been overly productive making new art.

I’ve added another scrap metal artwork: “Balancing Art” to my collection, made some extra “Beasts II” and a new “bird III” and updated “Diane“. I’ve left “Timeless” at home, but otherwise my exhibition is much like the one in 2015, with Beast I (Arachnid), Birds, Grid(B)lock, and Community.  I’ve also made my own pedestals, in the form of a big ‘Z’, from our old bed frame of solid oak. Elegant but maybe a bit too much of an “attention diverter” …?

I’m thrilled with how this fair went. I’ve sold my beloved “Grid(B)Lock” to a couple from Zeeland (province in The Netherlands) and an option was put on Bird II. However, regrettably, the person never came back. There were other potential buyers, quite disappointed they were too late.

I’ve learned my lesson. From now on, I’ll insist on an advance payment in exchange for an option on a piece AND if there are more interested buyers, I’ll note how to get back to them.

The fair also has proved fruitful in terms of contacts made. I’ve been approached by a representative from the Art Nordic art fair, who -unaware of my Danish roots-, has invited me to exhibit there in 2017, bypassing the selection committee just as happened in 2015 at the Regionale Kunstdagen for the Nationale Kunstdagen. I’m very thrilled, and am going to look into this.

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