Kunstroutes Noordwijk

During my time as a permanent exhibitor and collaborator with the RV Galerie & Atelier (march 2016 – dec 2019), I’ve participated in the yearly gallery and atelier route of my then home village, the “Kunstroute Noordwijk.” 

I have not been diligent in documenting this, in particular in the beginning years, unfortunately. Nor have I found much from searching on the internet, so I seem to be not alone in this, which is a pity, because it is a very charming event with quite outstanding quality of art and artists. Noordwijk is teeming with remarkable artists which have found one another in this  loosely knit yet well oiled event. 

It had it’s humble beginning in 2015, I think, and I joined in 2016. Each year it has grown in participating artists and professionalism. The PR has become better, the event has gained cloud, and chance visitors have become regulars. This is mainly thanks to a very dedicated small team of organisers.

The Kunstroute Noordwijk culminated with the lustrum year 2019 with an exhibition in the “Hotel Huis ter Duin” and a very extensive PR campaign in the months before, including short interviews of every participating artist in their atelier.

The short interviews and all related the Kunstroute Noordwijk 2019 can be viewed on this Facebook page. Above is a direct link to the short interview featuring me. A big thank you to Pam Vis-Feijtes from “Atelier De Kunstplaats” for taking the interviews and producing the short clips, I appreciate the amount of work going into that.

Previous years are to be found on this Facebook page.

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