Kunstroutes Noordwijk
During my time as a permanent exhibitor and collaborator with the RV Galerie & Atelier (march 2016 – dec 2019),
Artist & Arts teacher
During my time as a permanent exhibitor and collaborator with the RV Galerie & Atelier (march 2016 – dec 2019),
5-7 october 2018, booth 12, Amersfoort, The Netherlands “Back to basics” arts fair Last year at the “Nationale Kunstdagen 2017”
22/04/2018 – 24/04/2018, stand 161, Lokomotivværkstedet, Dybbølsbro, København To be added: https://www.google.com/search?q=art+nordic+2018&sxsrf=ALeKk0330bz-ljv1h1TM9a4YhruHECdhEw%3A1621084629252&ei=1cmfYNvuDoHgUfedhcAO&oq=art+nordic+2018&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBAgjECcyBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeOgcIIxCwAxAnOgkIABCwAxAHEB46CwgAELADEAcQChAeOgUIABCwAzoCCAA6BQgAEMsBUMQYWNwsYNgvaAFwAHgAgAG3BIgBxAySAQsxLjEuMS4wLjEuMZgBAKABAaoBB2d3cy13aXrIAQrAAQE&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwibrejr4svwAhUBcBQKHfdOAegQ4dUDCA4&uact=5 English I’m delighted to announce, that I’ve been
This post is being written in this very moment, be patient, it will be up to date in some days
12 – 13 November , 2016 AHOY, Rotterdam Organised by: Nationale Kunstdagen Last years Nationale Kunstdagen (edition 2015) was a
12 – 13 November , 2016 AHOY, Rotterdam Organised by: Nationale Kunstdagen I was aiming for my second Regionale Kunstdagen
Sunday 27 of January, 2013 Loods 6, KNSM Laan 143, 1019 LB Amsterdam The monumental “Bagagehal” of the former passenger