A heartfelt Welcome on my art page.
You don’t need to read the below introduction to understand my art, as I believe that once the maker has stopped adding to the piece, the art belongs to those who take the time to look at it. I get it, if you just want to browse my portfolio.
However, if you’re curious about what makes me tick and produce the things I do, you can start out by reading below introduction and maybe continue to the more extensive “about me” posts.

My excuses
This website is currently undergoing a remake to accommodate new functionality. I will be updating directly on my live site, so please excuse me if this site occasionally looks awkward.
You can still browse the website using the menu at the top.
Thank you for your understanding.
Lisbeth Jørgensen Veillat
Mes excuses
Ce site web est actuellement en cours de refonte pour accueillir de nouvelles fonctionnalités. Je mets à jour directement sur ce site, alors veuillez m’excuser si il paraît parfois un peut bizarre.
Vous pouvez toujours naviguer sur le site en utilisant le menu ci dessus.
Merci pour votre compréhension.
Lisbeth Jørgensen Veillat
Mijn excuses
Deze website ondergaat momenteel een remake om nieuwe functionaliteit toe te voegen. Ik voer de updates rechtstreeks uit op de site, waardoor de site af en toe een beetje raar kan overkomen.
U kunt nog steeds overal op mijn site terecht via de menu helemaal boven op deze de pagina.
Bedankt voor uw begrip.
Lisbeth Jørgensen Veillat
Websiden er midlertidigt under “ombygning” for at tilføje ny funktionalitet. Da jeg opdaterer direkte på live-siden, vil den af og til se lidt akavet ud.
Du kan stadivæk browse websiden via menu’en i toppen af denne side.
Tusind tak for forståelsen.
Lisbeth Jørgensen Veillat

I’m a Danish artist who was based in Holland for some 24 odd years and am now living in Normandy, France (since november 2020). I’m greatly inspired and fascinated by

RV Galerie & Atelier
March 2016 – December 2019 At the beginning of 2016 I was looking for a more permanent way of exhibiting my art than what the BIB artist community could offer.

My time with the BIB Art Community
A retrospective December 2011 – December 2016 Shortly after the graduation from the art academy and art teacher academy, it became obvious to me, that I missed the vibrant and

Kick-off & ticking, -the long intro
How it all began, what makes me tick and a kind of artist statement which is not, because a statement is static and I am not.